Rochelle Hadjiloukas has 20 plus years experience working as a Homoeopath.
Rochelle has a Nursing background, it was when she was working as a theatre nurse that she discovered Homoeopathy. After undergoing several surgeries on her knees and not being able to tolerate anti-inflammatory medicines, she went to see a Homoeopathy practitioner . She was was so impressed with the quick relief she got with no side effects that she went on to study Homoeopathy for four years and become a practitioner herself.
Of particular interest to Rochelle are Homoeopathic Crystal or Gem Remedies and Crystal Structure Analysis. These wonderful more recent additions to Homoeopathy are able to clarify and gently heal many deep seated emotional issues.
During one of her many trips to Egypt lecturing on Crystal Remedies, Rochelle was introduced to state of the art biofeedback technology which she is pleased to now be able offer to her clients in Australia.
Australian Bush Flowers and Bach Flower Remedies and learning Mindful Meditation techniques are also available.
Rochelle is also a qualified Animal Homoeopath
To book an appointment with Rochelle Hadjiloukas
or make an enquiry about any of her services
Please Phone 0400823456 or
e-mail : rohatzi@bigpond.com